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Description Brink is set in the near future. Due to the immense numbers on the ark there is a power struggle and you need to make the decision where you stand as either a member of the Resistance or Security. You can choose which class you play, the soldier, the medic, the engineer and the […]


Brink is set in the near future. Due to the immense numbers on the ark there is a power struggle and you need to make the decision where you stand as either a member of the Resistance or Security.

You can choose which class you play, the soldier, the medic, the engineer and the operative.

You can play brink, single player, co-op or multiplayer, up to 16 players can play together online. You can switch between playing single player and co-op whenever you want.

Brink is available for the pc ps3 and Xbox 360


  • Immersive first-person shooter.
  • Single player, co-op and multiplayer.
  • Mulitiple player classes.
  • Available for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Gallery 80

EuroGamer: 80

VideoGamer: 80

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