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Cheapest Super Smash Bros

Super Smash Bros is a fighting video game featuring many characters from well known from nintendo games. Play multiplayer with up to four players or play single player.

Your aim is to increase the damage to your opponent, you have to make your opponent fly backwards and knock them out of the playing field. Collect Trophies as you go defeating your opponent. You can play online in battles of up to 8 characters.



You can compete with many nintendo characters including Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Sonic the Hedgehog and many more.

Super Smash Bros will be compatible with amiibo it is the first game that to be fully compatible with amiibo, and you can play as your own mii character.

Throughout the game various items appear to help you out including Smash Ball which allows you to summon a powerful final smash attack. You will have assist trophies that will summon other characters to help you and attack.


  • Wii U
  • High definition
  • Single player/ Multiplayer

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